Begbies Traynor Group

Begbies Traynor in Staffordshire appoints new insolvency specialist

Date Published: 21/07/2022

Begbies Traynor in Staffordshire continues to expand with the appointment of Ben Gray as
insolvency manager.

Ben brings more than 12 years’ experience in overseeing corporate insolvencies,
administrations and liquidations to the firm’s North Midlands practice. A Stoke-on-Trent
native, Ben’s appointment sees him return to the region following a period in Manchester,
where he worked on several complex cases, including assisting in the rescue of a heritage
railway via an administration.

As insolvency manager, Ben will be responsible for overseeing case-related matters, as well
as supporting director Michaela Daly with the ongoing growth of the Staffordshire office.
Commenting on his appointment, Ben said:

“When the opportunity to join Begbies Traynor came up, I knew it was a move I wanted to
make, both professionally and personally. The firm is a market leader and recognised
operator both in the North Midlands and across the UK, and I’m excited to be part of such a
capable and motivated team.”

“I am committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for businesses that
find themselves in financial difficulties. Companies are facing increasingly challenging
circumstances, with rising inflation, fuel costs, energy prices all coming after a pandemic-hit
two years.”

“The message is, we’re here to support businesses. Taking early action is crucial, so we
would urge any directors that are concerned about their trading environment to come and
talk to us so we can plan the best approach.”

Michaela Daly added: “Ben joins our team at a time of real growth and brings a wealth of
experience across multiple sectors. I am looking forward to working alongside him to
continue to deliver the highest standards of service to our clients.”

To find out how the Begbies Traynor team in Staffordshire can support your business,
please contact [email protected].

About The Author

Meet the Team

Michaela is a Director at Begbies Traynor Group and is jointly responsible for the Staffordshire Office.

Having begun her insolvency career in 1998, Michaela has gained a wealth of experience having had the opportunity to work alongside companies such as Port Vale (Valiant 2001) Ltd and Wedgwood Museum Trust Ltd.  In addition, she has a high level of experience with personal insolvency, dealing with both bankruptcy and trading Individual Voluntary Arrangements.

Michaela is passionate about helping businesses recover; she is keen to assist in the very early stages of distress.  By doing so, she hopes to maximise the options available and work alongside business owners to ensure that viable businesses can trade through their difficulties – back to profitability.

Alongside various guest speakers, Michaela hosts breakfast seminars for accountants, solicitors, bankers/funders and other professionals.  These events are an ideal opportunity for CPD.  Please contact Michaela, should you have any queries or wish to register your interest – either as an attendee or the opportunity to present as a guest speaker.

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Michaela Daly

  • 35+ Years Experience
  • 100+ UK Offices
  • 70+ Group Partners
  • £100m Funding Completed

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