Begbies Traynor Group

Children's food maker enters liquidation

Date Published: 20/06/2018

A Wiltshire-based childrens organic food manufacturer has entered liquidation.

Neil Vinnicombe and Simon Haskew, partners at business recovery and rescue specialists Begbies Traynor’s Bath and Bristol offices respectively, were appointed joint liquidators of Miniscoff Ltd on 15 June.

The business, which was based in Holt near Bath, had supplied ready-made organic meals for children since 1999.

A buyer is now being sought for the name, goodwill and assets, which include its recipes.

 Neil Vinnicombe, of Begbies Traynor, said: "At a time of growing awareness of the need to eat more healthily, it’s truly regrettable that a business like this has come to an end.

"But we are optimistic that its central mission to provide healthy food can continue, as serious interest in the business has been shown and we are hopeful of finding a buyer."

About The Author

Meet the Team

Neil joined Begbies Traynor in 2003. He successfully sat the JIEB exams in 2005 and is a Licensed Insolvency Practitioner. He has more than 30 years' insolvency experience having previously worked at KPMG, Ernst & Young and Grant Thorton in Bristol.

He has a broad range of experience in Corporate Recovery and Rescue and works from the Bath and Bristol offices. Neil was also instrumental in establishing the Begbies Traynor office in Taunton which opened in 2016, and he jointly runs this office in tandem with his Bath and Bristol roles.

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